Environmental and economic assessment of design for recycling in wood building construction


One of the driving motivations behind the design for recycling concept is to decrease the environmental impacts of a buildings life cycle through maintaining the material quality after building disassembly, in order to enable its recycling in high value applications. If the concepts developed in the other work packages meet this goal, work package 6 strives to analyze the environmental impacts and the life cycle costs of a design for recycling building in comparison to a reference building representing the status quo.

Therefore, the main objectives of the WP are:

  • Determining the environmental and economic effects from new building concepts developed in WP 2 to identify the potential of design for recycling concept in wood construction
  • Environmental impact assessment of the products from recovered wood developed in WP 3
  • Improving the long-term documentation of BIM information on the materials used and the applicable disassembly and recycling concept



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Acknowledgement: Project InFutUReWood is supported under the umbrella of ERA-NET Cofund ForestValue by Vinnova – Sweden's Innovation Agency, the Forestry Commissioners for the UK, the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine for Ireland, the Ministry of the Environment for Finland, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture through the Agency for Renewable Resources for Germany, the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities for Spain, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport for Slovenia.

Project InFutUReWood is supported under the umbrella of ERA-NET Cofund ForestValue

ForestValue has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 773324.

Acknowledgement: Project InFutUReWood is supported under the umbrella of ERA-NET Cofund ForestValue by Vinnova – Sweden's Innovation Agency, Formas, Swedish Energy Agency, the Forestry Commissioners for the UK, the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine for Ireland, the Ministry of the Environment for Finland, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture through the Agency for Renewable Resources for Germany, the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities for Spain, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport for Slovenia.

Project InFutUReWood is supported under the umbrella of ERA-NET Cofund ForestValue

ForestValue has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 773324.

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