Dr. Karin Sandberg (RISE), Prof. Guillermo Íñiguez-González (UPM) and Dr. Daniel F. Llana (UPM) from the InFutUReWood project attended the ForestValue Final Conference that took place at the Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid, Spain on the 28th and 29th of September 2022.
The coordinators of the 17 projects funded in the ForestValue Joint Call 2017 presented the main results obtained in their projects. Furthermore, the coordinators of the 8 projects granted in the Joint Call 2021 explained the objectives and planned activities of these new projects.
Dr. Karin Sandberg, as project coordinator, presented the InFutUReWood project results, followed by a lively discussion. The presentation was recorded and is available in this link from 1:20:40 to 1:40:40. She also participated in the panel discussion about past, present and future of the forest-based research moderated by Andreas Nikolaus Kleinschmit von Lengefeld.
The conference was attended in person by 100 people from several European countries and followed online via live streaming.

Conference building in the Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid

Daniel F. Llana (UPM), Karin Sandberg (RISE) and Guillermo Íñiguez-González (UPM)

Karin Sandberg presenting the results of the InFutUReWood project

Panel discussion about Past, Present and Future of the Forest-based research

Technical visit to the Madrid Metropolitan Forest